(734) 761-7204

The art of influencing others by telling them a story pertaining to their personal dilemma.
Storytelling TherapyTM is a medium of communication between therapist and client. The communication is used as psychotherapy to influence a client to develop himself or herself in a way agreed upon between the therapist and client. The therapist incorporates verbal and non-verbal information provided by the client into the formulation and delivery of a story that affects therapeutic outcome.

Artfully practiced, Storytelling TherapyTM is difficult to distinguish from ordinary conversation. More than a fireside chat, Storytelling TherapyTM draws upon the philosophy of diverse cultures and models of psychotherapy. This method synthesizes into an elegant psychotherapeutic procedure an interaction between client and therapist. This interaction evokes personal and psychological evolution within the client. The carefully crafted story activates the client's unconscious resources. Therapeutic gain is accomplished as the client identifies with the elements in the story and then embraces the desired outcomes. By virtue of this identification and the formation of healing internal visual and mental images, the client understands that things can work out for him or her.
A comprehensive training in a leading edge approach to psychotherapy.

"Stardate 47941.7: Captains log. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise, its continuing mission to explore new worlds, to seek out new life forms and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before."

Even the slightest reference to a story sends the reader into a mini-trance. His or her unconscious mind searches for answers, outcomes and entertainment. This mini-trance renders the conscious and unconscious mind accessible for relatively unresisted therapeutic gain.

Across all cultures, from the petroglyph to the e-mail era, stories have been told to communicate knowledge and wisdom. Storytelling TherapyTMuses this common intent to accomplish psychotherapy.

Participants in the workshop first learn the fundamentals of creating and using stories in therapy. Practice exercises, whole group participation, case examples and contact between the presenter and the participants will then be used to facilitate thorough integration of Storytelling TherapyTM into participant's personal style. Exercises are fun and captivating. Plenty of time is available for questions and answers.
Graduates of the workshop will be able to:

* Trust their unconscious minds in delivering psychotherapeutic services.
* Learn to generate and use psychotherapeutic stories and metaphors to help clients in a clinical setting.
* Learn stories from different cultures and understand their psychological and metaphorical orientation.
* Integrate the practice of Storytelling TherapyTM into their existing style, theoretical model and preferred method.
* Use conversational style.
* Use insights and knowledge learned from the presenter's over twenty years of experience as a clinical social worker, supervisor, and founder and clinical director of a comprehensive mental health and substance abuse clinic.
The workshop is divided into sections.

* The process: changing lives by telling stories.
* The healing value of Storytelling TherapyTM
* Creativity and the unconscious mind.
* Language choices effect the utilization of stories.
* Utilization of non-verbal communication.
* Listening with the "third ear."
* Three types of storytelling.
* Specific uses, such as getting clients to talk about their family of origin.
* Stories are not for everyone.
* And much more.
Experiential, informal learning.

A didactic format is used to present the main tenets of Storytelling TherapyTM, yet hands-on learning is emphasized. Whole group exercises, abundant contact with presenter, questions and answers, and role plays facilitate learning. Storytelling TherapyTM is demonstrated using relevant case examples. Participants explore and discover new skills and enhance old ones throughout the demonstrations.

The tone is a relaxed, often extemporaneous style interspersed with generous amounts of humor. Participants should be able to have a good time while learning.
Storytelling TherapyTM is ideal for brief treatment.

Therapists are faced with increasing demands for quick results with the constraints of managed care and an average treatment duration of 6-8 sessions. Storytelling TherapyTM can provide quick results. By telling a story to a cancer patient, the author was able to help him accept the incremental nature of his medical treatment and recovery in just one session.

Copyrighted © 2011 Storytelling Therapy (TM) (734) 761-7204 www.StoryTellingTherapy.com